Any adult aged 18 and over who are registered with a GP in mid Essex, and has a musculoskeletal problem, can now self-refer to Provide’s Physiotherapy Service via their innovative Smart Referral Platform.
Physiotherapy can be helpful for people of all ages with a wide range of health conditions, including back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain and sports injuries. It can also help with movement problems resulting from a stroke, multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s disease. Physiotherapy can be used as rehabilitation after a heart attack, or to help with lungs and breathing issues.
This means you will be able to access physiotherapy quicker without having to book an appointment with your GP or other primary care healthcare professional first. As a result, you can get earlier help on how best to manage your musculoskeletal problem and to return to your normal activities as soon as possible.
You will also be able to provide more information regarding your specific musculoskeletal symptoms and how it is affecting you personally, which will help the Provide Physiotherapy Service know what level of support you are likely to need.
Offering access to a simple self-referral process for physiotherapy has been shown to significantly reduce the demand on primary care, the need for prescribed medication as well as empowering people to be in control of their musculoskeletal heath and care.
Want to find out more about physiotherapy? Head to our support and information page