We would very much welcome your thoughts! Help us improve our programme and delivery by completing our feedback form
We very much welcome all feedback and use this as an opportunity to improve our services. If you wish to make a complaint then please speak in the first instance to the health and wellbeing coach team. They will aim to deal with your concerns immediately where at all possible. You can email them here: [email protected]. You can either choose to put your complaint in writing, or book a call to express your concern verbally. If you do not have access to email you can book an appointment with a PCN health coach via your GP reception team. If your complaint relates to the conduct of one of the coaches, or you would prefer to make your complaint directly to the PCN complaints manager, then please send an email outlining your complaint to: [email protected]
Should you require assistance in making your complaint then Healthwatch can help you to find an independent NHS complaints advocacy service in your area.